Friday, September 19, 2014


Social media timelines have been flooded with photos hashtagged #20FactsAboutMe. The photos--which are usually selfies--are not spam; people who uploaded the photos are the one who have been challenged to do the #20FactsAboutMe challenge, which is, a challenge to post a selfie (the most gorgeous one would be preferable, of course) and twenty points of facts about the person challenged. I personally find it quite entertaining, and thanks to #20FactsAboutMe photos of my friends, now I know some facts about them (if they consider the points as facts) which I've never known and expected before. I found out that my dad was a mischievous one back then when he was a highschool student.  Koh Zen was.. well.. is actually a tsundere (ke ke ke). Teresa is a DOTA player (and I hardly believed it at first!). Well yeah I got to know my friends better through the challenge and I think it's good and exciting thing to do; it's kind of unique way to know more about a friend. 

My classmate Agistya tagged me in her #20FactsAboutMe selfie and challenged me to do so. I was surprised, but then so excited to do the challenge. I posted a photo of me (with my sister together drinking at J.Co) and mentioned twenty facts about me. So here I'd like to repost the photo and probably, I'll explain something more from each points. 


1. I was born into a Sundanese-Chinese family. I got the 'emperor' blood in my vein from my mom since my dad is purely Sundanese. Purely. And oh, hey! I'm closer to my mom than to my dad. Probably it's because my dad is often times busier than my mom and he goes here and there working with his research team so when he comes home my dad and I often times fight over lots of things. 

2. The Chinese surname I got--which, unfortunately, is not inscribed in my birth certificate--is Ng. 

3. I often times complain about my complexion. Since I'm a Chinese descent, I think the issue of skin complexion is quite important for me. Often times I compare my complexion to my Chinese relatives and the result would drive me crazy. My complexion is darker than theirs and sometimes people don't recognize me as a Chinese (yeah and it's happened lots of times). 

4. I watch The Amazing World of Gumball and Phineas and Ferb every night. Well, almost every night. I really am into cartoon shows, especially children cartoon shows like Phineas and Ferb, Adventure Time, and even, Malaysian cartoon Upin & Ipin. It's always a fancy thing to watch cartoon while eating something fanciful like ice cream or bonbons. 

5. I love doing code-switching like hell! I speak some kinds of English: standard English, American English, British English, and Singaporean English. I also speak some languages after my mother-tongue language, Indonesian: Malay, Sundanese, simple daily Hokkien phrases, and some basic Korean, as well as little Japanese and French (and German). Sometimes when I'm talking, I can't find a proper word in the language being used at the time to explain something so I use code-switching in order to mention the proper word for what I'm talking about. Also, I like doing code-switching because.. it's just a fun thing to do. For example:

  • "Why is she so angkaribung?" 
  • "Make it two bucks je la. Wo mei you qian. Okay?" 
6. I'm a chocolate lover. YES! CHOCOLATE! It is, and would always be, a good idea to give me chocolate bars and chocolate cakes for my birthday gift. I love chocolate drinks and usually order it whenever I visit my favorite coffee shops. I'm not an expert in analyzing the taste of chocolate drink but I can tell whether a cup of hot chocolate is good or not, in terms of taste and quality. 

7. I was a masochist. I've posted something about it in the blog a few months ago. It's a fact that most people haven't known--and the fact got them shocked. I used to have a cutter in my pencil case and cut (or let's call it 'slice', since I always felt like slicing chocolate bars when doing it) my arm whenever I felt down and depressed. 

8. I have some alter-egos in me and often times they appear in such a wrong time. 

9. I hate: cheese, bread, vanilla milk, and SNAKES! 

10. I love doing impersonations, especially those of comedians and cartoon charas, either mimicking their expression or imitating their voices. I'm currently impersonating the Indonesian version of Darwin from The Amazing World of Gumball. 

11. I'm an introvert--melancholic one and I get hurt easily. I overthink things and I think I'm a fool--I've been a fool and sometimes I'm so easy to be fooled. Some people say I've been too kind to people but.. is that true? 

12. I write short stories. Whenever I have free time I try to write one or some short stories. Well, they're not cheesy I think. 

13. I play piano, violin, and guitar (a bit). I want to learn flute, drum, and cello anyway. 

14. This is one surprising story of mine: Back then when I was a little kid, my parents told me to save some money so I could buy things I wanted. At that time, I was fond of classic interior designs and I always wanted to have some classic and rich items to place at my home. So I saved some money and with the money I had, I could afford a chandelier and a cuckooclock, and I, really, bought them. My family moved to Bandung in 2006 and my grandma decided to uninstall the chandelier from the parlor of my former house and installed it at her parlor instead. 

15. Wanderlust.. wanderlust.. I always want to go somewhere I've never been. My mind is so full of thoughts of taking vacation, and still, money and time are the main problem. 

16. I'm superstitious. Yes. Have you ever feel like someone is walking right behind you? Wait? Someone? Or.. something? I've heard my piano played by itself in my former house and about five years ago, I heard someone was singing in my living room and I was home alone. Always remember to burn a joss-stick when it's raining. Yea! 

17. This one problem would be quite important: I treat people coldly when I feel like they're not in my small circle of close companions, or when I don't feel like treating him/her warmly. Basically I treat strangers coldly and it's always difficult for me to start a conversation with strangers, for I'm an introvert. But trust me. TRUST ME. Once you're in my circle, you'll find out that I'm a crazy person; I can do crazy things you might have never expected before! 

18. I love plushies. They're mementos from my childhood. I keep Curious George plushie with me. 

19. I love cats.. and dogs as well. They're my furry friend. You may see me playing with cats (even in parking lots). Sometimes I bring a stray cat to the classroom and I've once cried seeing a stray black cat trapped in the third floor balcony of my faculty building. 

20. I'm in love with... Peranakan cuisine! Well I love Singaporean cuisine as well like.. Chicken with lemon sauce, eh?

So that's all the #20FactsAboutMe written by me, based on the facts about me, of course. Now I dare whoever reading this post to do the same.

Have a good evening, everyone!


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