Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I keep George and Matul with me

Some people call me kiddo and I can see that. I mean I know the reason why they call me kiddo. However, you might want to call me kiddo if we meet because my stature seems to say it all. I'm 5' 5'', thin, and I don't expect much from it. If you watch Kuroko's Basketball then you might think of me being as tall as Kuroko, and yes, we are both short. But don't try to mess with us and don't make fun of us. Yes, we are short but we can be dangerous and we can hurt you in any way which has never been invented. 

However, I personally think of the reason why people call me kiddo. I think it's because of my personality. I'm an introvert in nature but I can be so bubbly to people in my circle. Moreover, I still keep some things from my childhood and I think that's what makes me a kiddo (well the reason might be irrelevant I guess). I keep my favorite plushies and puppets and put it on my desk. One of my favorite plushies is George the Monkey. 

well sorry for the low lighting, and that mini-Midorima-kun is a gift from koh Eric

George was actually my cousin's but he gave it to me. No. His mom gave it to me because she thought he was too old to play with plushies. I loved the plushy at the first sight so I kept it with me and I named it George because he looked like George from The Curious George. He was, and is still a good friend, thought he can't give me help much during exam week. Back then when I was a kid I often times felt lonely and sometimes I didn't want to go out and play with my friends because I didn't feel like going out and I just wanted to stay home, yet I felt lonely and bored. When feeling bored and lonely, sometimes I talked to George or built a house with Lego bricks and I'd let George stay inside the house. Sometimes I built a tower and put George on the top of the tower. 

I have also a plushy (well it's not a plushy, it's a pillow-plushy) named Matul, a blend of 'macan tutul'. It is a leopard plushy and it has part which can be used as pillow. I used to lay my head on it and slept. Unfortunately I seemed to forget where I kept Matul so I could not find it. It's sad because I've been kind of missing it. 

George had been so lonely. I felt pity of him so I decided to find him a new friend named Akira. He is a little fluffy husky. I found him at a supermarket and I decided to take him home (well now I sound like I really found a dog and took him home). I introduced Akira to George and they both became good friends. I'm glad to see that George is now no longer lonely because he has got a new friend. 

Talking to Akira

It must sound childish to know I keep my childhood plushies and treat them in a kiddie way. I can see that but still I want to keep them. I have good memories about my plushies--my childhood. My childhood was not perfect but at least I had lots of good things back then. Every time I see my plushies and touch them, they remind me of my childhood. They remind me of things that made me happy when I was a little boy. They also remind me how mom and dad loved and took care of me as a little kid. 

Childhood mementos store memories from your childhood which you might have forgotten. They are like a super recorder which records and stores childhood memories. Sometimes you forget what happened back then in your childhood and as you stare at one of your childhood mementos, suddenly you remember of something. Well, it might be good memory or bad memory but childhood mementos do store childhood memories. I realize that I'm still growing up and getting older, and I may forget lots of my childhood memories as I grow old so I keep my childhood plushies so whenever I start to forget things, I can just recall the memories from them. 

By the way I found a new friend for Akira and George. I named it Ted. Little Ted, and he likes piano so much. 

He might like you, too :)


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