Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Candle

I light a candle for you
For you, I light a candle
But I don't want you to see the light
The light. You shouldn't see the light

The light may burn me to death
It may burn you too death, too
I don't want you to get burnt
So close your eyes. Don't look at the light

I light a candle for you
A candle, made of my rib
I light a candle for you
You. But you shouldn't see the light

An angel lights a candle for you
Here, I light a candle for you
The angel's candle. Shimmering is its flame
My candle. Glimmering is its flame

The candle I light for you
I may blow it
But you. You'll be in deep darkness
So I let the flame glimmer

I light a candle for you
But you shouldn't see the light
The light may burn you to death
The light may burn me to death


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